Looking for a change?
Brio-Tech Pressure Controls is looking to add to our valued team.
If you are a self-motivated individual that enjoys working with a team of people that know that understand it’s not just a job but a culture, then we may have a position for you.
If we have nothing in your field, check back, you never know when we might be looking for you.
Brio-Tech Pressure Controls requires an individual to facilitate various duties required in a manufacturing facility environment;
The successful candidate will join the brio-Tech Pressure Controls team at an entry level position to perform various tasks in a machine shop environment.
Production Manager
Required Hours of Work
Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. In certain circumstances extra hours may be requested.
Employment Details
Apply Now
We invite you to apply by submitting your resume in confidence by email to hr@brio-techpce.com,
Attn: Human Resources
Pressure Controls Inc.
3904 – 53rd Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T6B 3N7
Office hours are Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
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